Defiant migrants throw rocks and bottles at riot police in Rome who turn on the water cannon to remove them from makeshift camp outside city’s main train station

‘Migrants and refugees threw rocks, bottles and gas cans at police in riot gear who were clearing more than a hundred of them from a makeshift camp in Rome.
They stood defiant in the face of the police’s powerful water cannons as they were cleared from a piazza near Termini station.
The refugees occupied Indipendenza square in Rome in defiance of an order to leave an adjacent office building where as many as 800 had been squatting.
Officials defended the decision to evict them, saying they refused to move to accommodation provided for them.
TV footage showed some of the refugees – many from Eritrea – screaming and trying to hit police who were armed with batons and shields.
The square, just one block from Rome’s main train station, was strewn with mattresses, overturned rubbish bins and broken plastic chairs.’

Read more: Defiant migrants throw rocks and bottles at riot police in Rome who turn on the water cannon to remove them from makeshift camp outside city’s main train station 

The Migrant Crisis – What needs to be said

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