Eat Like a Viking

If you were intrigued by the latest findings about the traditional Nordic diet’s health benefits but unsure how to go about it in practice, here’s some inspiring meal ideas.

Recent research revealed that eating like a Viking can support brain health in old age and could help fight off dementia.

MailOnline is sharing tasty, healthy meal recipes from the man behind the Nordic food revolution – cookbook author, restaurateur and TV host Claus Meyer.

He is a leading advocate of the diet which is high in fish, non-root vegetables, fruit, rice and chicken, washed down with plenty of water and tea.

And it’s positive news for drinkers, as the diet permits light to moderate consumption of wine.

Another principle is avoiding eating too many root vegetables, potatoes, refined grains, butter, sugar and fruit juice.

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The Swedish study of 2,223 people carried out by the Karolinska Institute looked to see whether the diet had any effect on brain function.

The researchers found that being relatively good or very good at sticking to the diet was linked with a smaller decline in memory and thinking skills.

Breakfast: Omelette with new potatoes, spinach and hot-smoked salmon  

1 onion

400g new potatoes, boiled

10g butter

Sea salt flakes and freshly ground pepper

50g fresh spinach

100g hot-smoked salmon

6 organic eggs

200ml low-fat milk

Peel and slice the onion finely, and cut the boiled potatoes into large cubes. Sauté the onion and potatoes in the butter in an ovenproof frying pan (see tip), then season to taste with salt and pepper. Rinse the spinach well, drain and add it to the pan.

Divide the hot-smoked salmon into smaller pieces, add to the pan and mix well. Crack the eggs into a bowl – one at a time so that you can check that they are fresh.

Add the milk and whisk together, then pour the mixture into the pan.

Fry the omelette for a few minutes in the pan so that it just sets before transferring it to a preheated oven at 200°C/Gas Mark 6.

Bake the omelette for 8–10 minutes or until it has set fully and is slightly golden on top.

Serve while it is warm with some wholegrain rye bread. Pickled beetroot is also a good accompaniment, and I personally have a weakness for mustard whenever there is an egg dish on the table.

Tip: If you don’t have an ovenproof frying pan, you can make the omelette on the hob and cover with a lid from a large saucepan so that the eggs get a little heat from above as well.

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The post Eat Like a Viking appeared first on LewRockwell.

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