Ex-spy boss says children should spend MORE time indoors and online in the summer holidays to master their cyber skills and ‘save the country’

‘Britain’s former spy chief has should children should spend more time on computers during the summer to master their cyber skills and potentially ‘save the country’.
Robert Hannigan said it was the national duty of parents to ensure youngsters enjoyed more screen time as opposed to letting them ‘mooch around on the streets’.
The father-of-two said the UK risked falling behind, warning that Britain was already struggling to keep up with rivals due to a lack of engineers and computer scientists.
Mr Hannigan’s suggestion is at odds with the advice of many health professionals, who argue that too much screen time can prove detrimental to a child’s social skills.’
Read more: Ex-spy boss says children should spend MORE time indoors and online in the summer holidays to master their cyber skills and ‘save the country’  

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