Fireside Chat with Mike Billington, August 10, 2017

Join us tonight at 9pm EDT with Mike Billington, EIR Asia Editor, to discuss the second week of our mobilization to break the VIPS debunking of Russiagate far and wide and yesterday, the Nation published an excellent article going through the VIPS proofs that Russiagate is a fraud. As significantly, we are finding a huge and largely untapped potential in the population which rightly despises those who would incinerate the human race and will fight, provided there is a concrete economic program which can ensure sustained economic growth and breakthroughs into new paradigms of economic and scientific development. That’s what is represented by LaRouche’s Four Laws and our history of bringing Great Economic Development projects into being, never ever giving up despite what might be seen as insurmountable obstacles. Genius in vision, an indomitable and ruthless spirit to achieve it, that is Lyndon LaRouche’s way.

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