Fox ‘told UK government it was fit and proper to take over Sky TV at same time it was colluding with Trump to publish fake story about murdered US Democrat to divert attention from President’s Russian links’

‘Fox told the UK Government it was fit to complete its proposed takeover of Sky while colluding with Donald Trump to publish fake stories about a murdered US Democrat, a lawsuit claims.
Investigator Rod Wheeler is suing for defamation, claiming Fox News fabricated quotes implicating murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich in the WikiLeaks scandal, while co-ordinating with the Trump administration on the story.
His lawsuit, filed on Tuesday in New York, lays out an explosive tale of Trump allies conspiring to push a false story to take the pressure of the Russian collusion investigation off the president.
It also alleges Fox News was willing to show the president its story before it was published – but all the while owner Rupert Murdoch’s team were convincing Parliament to allow 21st Century Fox to take over Sky.’
Read more: Fox ‘told UK government it was fit and proper to take over Sky TV at same time it was colluding with Trump to publish fake story about murdered US Democrat to divert attention from President’s Russian links’ 

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