Global Crackdown On Parents Who Refuse To Vaccinate Kids Has Begun—Punishment And Fines Now A Reality

‘As a shift toward authoritarianism in Western governance finds civilians increasingly at the mercy of liberty-robbing laws, punitive (in)justice, and state control, our individual sovereignty as human beings and parents to decide whether or not children should be vaccinated might not be ours to make quite soon.
While both sides of the public vaccine debate maintain intractably obstinate, the governments of Australia and several European nations have come out in support of inoculation mandates — or penalties steep enough to equivocate mandates — to the consternation of parents concerned for the dearth in comprehensive research on the topic.
Pro-vaccine positions contend the safety of vaccines and their track record of nearly annihilating deadly and dreaded diseases; but detractors say the benefits have not been examined in the context of the shots potential interactions with one another, among other seemingly imperative points.’
Read more: Global Crackdown On Parents Who Refuse To Vaccinate Kids Has Begun—Punishment And Fines Now A Reality

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