GMO ‘safety’ has been systematically and deliberately falsified

‘The safety of genetically modified foods is a matter that has long been under debate. Despite mountains of evidence showing the harms caused by GMO foods, some high-profile scientific institutions and scientists have defended the products. The mainstream media and government officials tend to take their arguments at face value given their authority, but closer scrutiny shows a high degree of misrepresentation.
Whether it’s deliberate deceit or a high amount of negligence, many of the so-called facts supporting GMOs simply don’t hold water.
Steven Druker of Independent Science News recently took aim at a paper by the U.K.’s Royal Society titled, “GMO Plants: Questions and Answers” and other publications from the same society. The paper claims that it offers “reliable” and “unbiased” answers to common GMO questions, but Druker says that analysis shows not only a tremendous amount of bias in favor of GMOs, but also some outright false assertions.’
Read more: GMO ‘safety’ has been systematically and deliberately falsified

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