Google firing an engineer for standing up against the hive mind is about more than one minority opinion. If the web’s gatekeeper doesn’t believe in its own employees’ right to free speech, how can we trust it with ours?

‘The silencing of legitimate opinion continues.
The latest victim of their self-styled ‘purge’ is Google engineer James Damore, the guy behind ‘Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber,’ a paper outlining his thoughts on Diversity and Inclusion in Silicon Valley.
In his 3,300 word, ten page manifesto he highlights the reasons for the gender gap in tech, current discriminatory practises used to correct that gap and Google’s left-leaning political bias.
CNN merrily reported with its own brand of bias:
‘The google engineer who wrote a memo that argued women aren’t biologically fit for tech jobs is out at the company’. He argued no such thing…
…’When it comes to diversity and inclusion, Google’s left bias has created a politically correct monoculture that maintains its hold by shaming dissenters into silence. This silence removed any checks against encroaching extremist and authoritarian policies’ he wrote.’
Read more: Google firing an engineer for standing up against the hive mind is about more than one minority opinion. If the web’s gatekeeper doesn’t believe in its own employees’ right to free speech, how can we trust it with ours? 

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