Homelessness in Britain to rise 76% over next decade, charity warns

‘Nearly a quarter of a million people are experiencing acute forms of homelessness across Britain, with rough sleeping set to rise by 76 percent by 2026 unless the government takes serious long-term action, the homelessness charity Crisis has warns.
About 9,100 people were sleeping rough in 2016 at any one time, while 68,300 were sofa surfing, 19,300 were living in unsuitable temporary accommodation, and 37,200 were living in hostels, the research by Heriot-Watt University for the charity says.
A further 26,000 were living in other circumstances, with 8,900 sleeping in tents, cars or on public transport, more than 12,000 living in squats, and 5,000 in women’s refuges or night shelters.
The report says that at any one point last year, an estimated 236,000 people were experiencing a form of homelessness in Britain, including 50,000 children.
Without action, the most acute forms of homelessness are likely to keep climbing, with overall numbers forecast to rise by more than a quarter (26.5 percent) over the next 10 years to 202,200 in 2026, the report says.’
Read more: Homelessness in Britain to rise 76% over next decade, charity warns

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