House of Handouts: Freebies enjoyed by Britain’s MPs revealed

‘Since the last election, British MPs have enjoyed thousands of pounds’ worth of freebies, according to the latest updates to the parliamentary register of interests.
While the 2009 MPs’ expenses scandal still looms large in the public mind, far less attention is paid to the freebies and discounts regularly enjoyed by elected representatives.
Revelations in 2009 about MPs using public funds to pay mortgages on second homes, clean their moats, buy substantial amounts of biscuits and maintain their duck houses rocked British politics and shamed many MPs.
It seems, however, that despite the best efforts of the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) – the watchdog founded after the 2009 scandal to make sure MPs kept their fingers out of the proverbial till – Britain’s highly-paid democratic representatives are finding other ways to cash in on their positions.
Perks registered include shoe discounts, free festival tickets and trips to the races, despite the fact that an MP’s basic salary of £74,000 (US$97,000) far exceeds the income of the majority of the electorate.
RT takes a look at some of the handout highlights.’
Read more: House of Handouts: Freebies enjoyed by Britain’s MPs revealed

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