How Companies Like PepsiCo and McDonald’s Are Pushing Indonesia’s Endangered Elephants to Extinction

‘The Leuser Ecosystem on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia thrums with life. It is an ancient, 6.5 million acres of lush rainforest and steamy peat swamps, and because of its rich biodiversity, is one of the most important rainforests still standing today.
Its clear rivers provide drinking water for millions of people and its lowland and mountainous rainforests are literally the last place on earth where Sumatran elephants, orangutans, tigers, rhinos and sunbears still coexist in the wild. Globally, we all depend on it for the climate regulating effects such a large carbon-sink can have.
And yet, the Leuser Ecosystem is being actively destroyed for palm oil and other industries.’
Read more: How Companies Like PepsiCo and McDonald’s Are Pushing Indonesia’s Endangered Elephants to Extinction

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