How Trump was convinced to send more troops to Afghanistan – by top general showing him picture of women in 1970s Kabul in mini-skirts

‘National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster helped persuade President Donald Trump to recommit to the Afghanistan war effort by showing him an old photo of Afghan women strolling the streets of Kabul wearing miniskirts.
The visual aid was meant to demonstrate to the president that Western norms could be restored to Afghanistan through U.S. persistence in the war effort that has dragged on for 16 years.
The photo McMaster showed was a 1972 black-and-white image of women in miniskirts walking in the Afghan capital, the Washington Post reported.
The idea was to convince the president that it was not a hopeless cause to continue.
Previous reports have stated that Trump likes to receive information with charts and other visual aids.
McMaster’s ploy was part of a months long effort by generals and other advisors who wanted him to recommit to the 16-year old war that Trump himself had called a ‘waste’ in a series of tweets before he got elected.’
Read more: How Trump was convinced to send more troops to Afghanistan – by top general showing him picture of women in 1970s Kabul in mini-skirts

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