In Kenyan capital, two killed in protests against election results

‘Kenyan police have shot dead two demonstrators in the capital Nairobi as violence erupted after an opposition leader claimed massive fraud in the general elections that saw the incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta in the lead.
A senior police officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, confirmed that two people had been killed in the slum of Mathare in Nairobi on Wednesday.
“They were part of a group that was protesting in the area and officers were sent to quell the chaos,” the officer added.
“We are told many of them were also thieves who took advantage and could not even obey the police. Two have been fatally wounded.”
Reports said one of the slain protesters was a young man that sustained a massive gunshot wound to the head.’
Read more: In Kenyan capital, two killed in protests against election results

Grotesque! Fury as Britain gives £30million aid to fund general election in Kenya which activists fear will end in a bloodbath

‘Political activists in Kenya have demanded a halt to the ‘grotesque’ waste of ten of millions of pounds of British foreign aid which is funding a general election it is feared will result in a bloodbath.
Britain is helping to pay for the election through a £28.5 million programme known as Deepening Democracy. In a project with 24 other countries, it will contribute a further £2.5 million.
But even Britain’s Department for International Development (DFID) admits there has been ‘no significant improvement in the fight against corruption’ in Kenya in recent years.
Current President Uhuru Kenyatta – son of Kenya’s first president Jomo Kenyatta – was accused by the International Criminal Court of inciting murderous riots between rival political supporters during 2007 elections, when he led the opposition. More than 1,000 people were killed. He protested his innocence but was never brought to trial due to the ‘disappearance’ of key witnesses. He went on to become president in 2013.’
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