‘Iranophobia’: Israel Misleading World Over Self-Defense Claims

‘Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks on the Jewish state defending itself from Iran hold no water, a Middle East expert told Sputnik.
Commenting on the Israeli PM’s concerns over Iran’s influence in Syria, Ali Rizk, an expert in Middle Eastern studies, said that “this is Netanyahu’s traditional approach which goes back to the beginning of the Obama administration’s tenure.”
“Netanyahu has always used Iranophobic policy and rhetoric despite the fact that it is Israel which has repeatedly threatened to bomb Iran and not vice versa,” Rizk said.
Touching upon Netanyahu’s remarks that Israel is poised and ready to defend itself, including from Iran, Rizk recalled that “it is Israel which has always attacked other countries in the region and we have never seen Israel being attacked.”‘
Read more: ‘Iranophobia’: Israel Misleading World Over Self-Defense Claims

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