Israel destroys Palestinian classrooms ahead of first day of school

‘Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank have started the new school year in improvised tents after Israeli authorities demolished their classrooms the day before term began.
Around 80 children aged five to 10 from the village of Jub-Ad-Dhib had to attend classes in cramped tarpaulin tents or under the hot sun on Wednesday. One day earlier Israeli authorities had decided to confiscate and destroy steel terrapin cabins used as school buildings along with other educational equipment. The area was sealed off, declared a military zone, and security forces used stun grenades to keep residents away, Israeli human rights group B’Tselem said in a statement. Israeli media said that locals had thrown stones at soldiers during the demolition.
The six newly installed cabins, donated by the EU, were put in place so that local children did not have to walk an hour to get to school.’
Read more: Israel destroys Palestinian classrooms ahead of first day of school

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