Israel has stripped citizenship from an Arab Israeli for the first time ever

‘Israel has stripped an Arab Israeli man of citizenship, claiming he “removed himself from society” by launching a car-and-knife rampage that left four people injured last year.
Activists claim the ruling, believed to be a legal first, will leave Alaa Raed Ahmad Zayoud “stateless” and may violate international laws.
But a judge said the move was a “suitable and proportional” response after Zayoud ploughed a car into a female Israeli soldier before stabbing three civilians near Kibbutz Gan Shmuel, northeast of Hadera, in October 2015.
Zayoud was convicted of four counts of attempted murder and sentenced to 25 years in jail following the “nationalistically motivated” attack, which came during a spate of stabbings and shootings in Israel.’

Read more: Israel has stripped citizenship from an Arab Israeli for the first time ever

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