Israel jails five relatives of Palestinian teenager in occupied West Bank

‘Israel has jailed five relatives of a Palestinian teenager, who fatally wounded three settlers in an alleged stabbing attack, claiming that the prisoners knew about the attack beforehand but did not try to prevent him from conducting his purported deadly assault.
An Israeli military court ruled on Sunday that the parents, an uncle and the three brothers of 19-year-old Omar al-Abed “knew he intended to commit” a stabbing attack but “did nothing to warn the security services to prevent it.”
The court sentenced Abed’s brothers and uncle to serve eight months in prison each, while his mother and father received one and two months respectively.
Israeli authorities claim that on July 21 Abed, from the occupied West Bank town of Kobar, stabbed to death three settlers in the nearby settlement of Neve Tsuf. Israeli troops then shot the teenage boy and wounded him before taking him into police custody.’
Read more: Israel jails five relatives of Palestinian teenager in occupied West Bank

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