Japan ‘outraged’ at resumed US Marine flights after fatal Australia crash

‘Japan has pushed back against continuing US military MV-22 Osprey flights on its territory, after calls to ground all the aircraft following a fatal crash off the Australian coast.
Flights of MV-22 Ospreys – the primary assault support aircraft for the US Marines – resumed in Okinawa just two days after what the Marines called a “mishap” when an MV-22 Osprey went down off the Australian coast. The crash left three servicemen dead, the military confirmed on Monday night.
“It is impossible to overcome the utmost outrage concerning the conducted flight, despite our requests [to refrain from it],” Deputy Okinawa Governor Moritake Tomikawa told the top commander of the US military in Okinawa, Lieutenant General Lawrence Nicholson on Tuesday, Japan’s NHK newspaper reports citing the official.
Earlier, the Japanese Defense Ministry called on the US to refrain from all MV-22 Ospreys operations until the causes of the crash are determined.’
Read more: Japan ‘outraged’ at resumed US Marine flights after fatal Australia crash

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