Lebanese army launches anti-terror operation near Syrian border

‘The Lebanese military has launched an offensive against Daesh terrorists in eastern Lebanese territory along the border with Syria.
Lebanese army chief General Joseph Aoun announced the start of the operation, dubbed Jaroud Dawn, on Saturday.
A Lebanese security source also said that the army was now targeting Daesh positions close to the village of Ras Baalbek in eastern Lebanon with rockets, artillery, and helicopter gunfire.
The military campaign began with an attack on the terrorists’ positions in the Western Qalamoon Jaroud region from the north, south, and east.
In a televised news conference later on Saturday, a spokesman for the Lebanese army, Brigadier General Ali Qansowa, said that the military operations would continue until Daesh terrorists were expelled from Lebanese territory.
“Victory is 100 percent assured in offensive, no matter how long it takes and no matter the cost,” he added.’
Read more: Lebanese army launches anti-terror operation near Syrian border

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