Man ‘too black’ for soap dispenser as diversity in technology comes under spotlight

‘A video of a black man unsuccessfully trying to get soap from an automatic dispenser has gone viral amid claims that the tech devices struggle with racial diversity.
Chukwuemeka Afigbo, based in Lagos, Nigeria shared the footage on his social media accounts.
The video opens with a white man getting soap from the dispenser. A dark skinned man then tries, with no luck. The men can be heard saying “too black” as they continue to struggle with the device.
Eventually, a white paper towel is passed under the device, which immediately triggers the sanitizer.
Afigbo, who is the head of Platform Partnerships at Facebook for the Middle East & Africa, said the incident shows how important diversity is in tech. He added that having a dark-skinned person on the product’s development team would have resulted in a better product.’

Read more: Man ‘too black’ for soap dispenser as diversity in technology comes under spotlight

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