Medical Police State: Pro-vaccine freaks want police to kick down doors and forcibly vaccinate children at gunpoint

‘The National Meningitis Association (NMA) convened (again) on May 8th of 2017 in New York City to “Advance Vaccine Impact” and spread their fake science propaganda through several industry shills and pharma “panel” mouthpieces, including their insidious leader and vaccine sales puppet Paul Offit.
The pernicious and perverted huckster gathering was moderated by a charlatan (Arthur Allen) from Politico, a fake news outfit known for being Nazi sympathizers and pushing their own brand of violence and journo-terrorism.
The NMA meeting’s main goal was to use reverse psychology to cast the blame on “anti-vaxxers” for vaccine failures, and to cover up all of the chemical violence that’s been perpetrated on Americans from the carcinogenic ingredients in vaccines – namely mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG and live “attenuated” virus combinations.’
Read more: Medical Police State: Pro-vaccine freaks want police to kick down doors and forcibly vaccinate children at gunpoint

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