Migrants & refugees have tried to breach UK border 17,000 times this year – France

‘Migrants and refugees have made up to 17,000 attempts to jump aboard UK-bound lorries and trains since January, according to the French Interior Ministry.
It appears the destruction of the Calais ‘Jungle’ camp nine months ago has done little to stem the tide of migrants traveling to the port town in northern France.
The French government had claimed the closure of the camp, which at its height contained up to 10,000 people, would stop the bottleneck of migrants trying to cross the English Channel.
Authorities now estimate there are 350 migrants in the area, but volunteers handing out aid claim the number is closer to 1,000.
Police reportedly make routine sweeps of the wooded areas near the port to evict rough-sleeping migrants. The majority of them are from Afghanistan, Syria, Eritrea and South Sudan.’
Read more: Migrants & refugees have tried to breach UK border 17,000 times this year – France

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