Mining near Yellowstone to be banned, as national monument review moves ahead

‘US Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is recommending a 20-year ban on mining near Yellowstone National Park. But that doesn’t put to rest the anxiety that environmentalist and outdoorsman groups feel about President Donald Trump’s national monument review.
On Tuesday, Zinke suggested speeding up a proposal to block two gold-mining projects north of the park in an area called Paradise Valley. The secretary will also recommend nixing other types of mining as well, officials at the agency said, according to Voice of America.
The Yellowstone decision follows Zinke’s August recommendation to Trump to shrink the size of the Bears Ears National Monument, following the president’s executive order to review the land.
The environmental group, Greenpeace, warned of the complete opposite result in May, fearing the president’s decision to go forward with a review of monument space would open up an area larger than Yellowstone to drilling.’
Read more: Mining near Yellowstone to be banned, as national monument review moves ahead

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