Mother has children taken away from her after toddler tantrum

‘A mother has recalled the “the worst moment” of her life when her toddler’s temper tantrum lead her two young children being taken away by the authorities for almost a year.
The woman, only identified as Mary, was playing with her two young children at her parents-in-laws’ home in the US when her toddler Vincent began acting up. When Mary asked him not to snatch his brother’s toys and he wouldn’t calm down, she placed him outside on the patio and watched him through a window just inches away, she told
A couple of hours later, police knocked on the in-law’s front door and alerted her that she was being investigated for child abuse and endangerment. The police officers then interviewed Mary, her husband and Vincent for two hours as they awaited the arrival of a Department of Children and Family Services caseworker.’
Read more: Mother has children taken away from her after toddler tantrum

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