Murdering art dealer thought victim ‘was an extraterrestrial’

‘A Swiss art dealer is going to jail for more than 12 years after being found guilty of murdering a friend he believed to be an alien.
The defendant, who was not named by the court but identified in the British press as 32-year-old Bennet von Vertes, said he was under the influence of a cocktail of drugs and alcohol at the time.
Von Vertes was also found guilty on a separate charge of raping a former girlfriend two months prior to the attack, the ATS news agency reports.
After a night out in Zurich, the pair were said to have returned to the villa in the early hours of the morning where they got into a fight. During the tussle, von Vertes stabbed his friend with a broken piece of glass before beating him to death with a candlestick holder.
Von Vertes admitted the murder but insisted that hallucinations, brought about by a cocktail of cocaine and ketamine, made him believe his friend was an alien who was trying to kill him.’
Read more: Murdering art dealer thought victim ‘was an extraterrestrial’

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