Nairobi on the brink: Riots, looting and gunfire across the Kenyan capital amid anger over ‘rigged election’ as President Kenyatta is voted back in

‘Riots and celebrations started in Kenya after the electoral commission announced President Uhuru Kenyatta has won a second term.
Opposition candidate Raila Odinga was quick to claim the vote was rigged and protests started in Nairobi after the result was announced.
Police have reportedly used teargas on protesters in the Kisumu and Nairobi slums.
Angry protests erupted almost immediately in Odinga’s strongholds: in Nairobi’s biggest slum Kibera police fired bullets in the direction of protesters, who looted and attacked businesses they said belonged to Kenyatta supporters.’
Read more: Nairobi on the brink: Riots, looting and gunfire across the Kenyan capital amid anger over ‘rigged election’ as President Kenyatta is voted back in

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