North Korea has produced a miniaturised and missile-ready nuclear warhead, say US analysts

‘North Korea is said to be able to produce a miniaturised warhead that can fit inside the kind of missiles it has recently been testing and which analysts believe could reach the US mainland.
A US media report said that the finding was contained last month in an analysis completed by the US Defence Intelligence Agency. It said the intelligence community had recently concluded the East Asian nation had up to 60 nuclear weapons.
“The IC [intelligence community] assesses North Korea has produced nuclear weapons for ballistic missile delivery, to include delivery by ICBM-class missiles,” the assessment stated, according to the The Washington Post.
There has been no public, independent confirmation of the report and the news comes against a backdrop of mutual sabre-rattling by Washington and Pyongyang. As North Korea has continued to test intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) that potentially have the ability to reach Alaska or Hawaii, Donald Trump and his top officials have warned that “nothing is off the table” when it comes to dealing with the challenge.’
Read more: North Korea has produced a miniaturised and missile-ready nuclear warhead, say US analysts

A Symphony of Lies

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