Over 125 Victims Reveal Massive Child Molestation Conspiracy And Cover-Up Within USA Gymnastics

‘A massive case involving over a hundred women and girls is shining a light on the horrid sexual abuse and cover-up taking place within the USA Gymnastics program. For decades children were “sacrificed” and their abusers “protected,” according to one of the victims.
Last week, former gymnast Rachael Denhollander called for a regime change within the organization. Denhollander is one of more than 125 victims, including US Olympic champion and three-time gold medalist, Aly Raisman, who are coming forward with evidence of cover-ups and abuse.
As USA Today reports, in a joint interview with USA TODAY Sports and the Associated Press on Saturday, Raisman said revelations of widespread abuse by longtime team physician Larry Nassar and the reaction by the governing bodies has colored how she views her sport.’
Read more: Over 125 Victims Reveal Massive Child Molestation Conspiracy And Cover-Up Within USA Gymnastics

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