Pediatricians In Florida Refuse To See Unvaccinated Kids

‘Some Florida parents got a bit of a surprise when they were kicked out of pediatric firms for having unvaccinated children.
Even though the decision to not vaccinate is growing among those who read the vaccine inserts and familiarize themselves with the potential side effects, doctors want all children forcibly injected because they make more money if their patients vaccinate. It’s not a secret that the vaccine manufacturers dumped big money into California lawmakers pockets just before mandating all children get all the recommended vaccines. But safety and health come second to a pocket full of money.
“We want everyone vaccinated and caught up with the CDC schedule by age of 2,” said Dr. Thomas Connolly, a pediatrician with the Carithers Pediatric Group.  Connolly said he strongly encourages all of his patients to get vaccinated. “It’s nothing personal against you as a person, I respect your decision that is your decision, but my medical decision and my background and my belief is I want the child vaccinated to maximize their defense,” Connolly said. In other words, he wants to make sure you pump your child with known toxins so he can continue to make money.’
Read More: Pediatricians In Florida Refuse To See Unvaccinated Kids

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