PETITION: President Trump, Investigate British Subversion of the USA

Petition to President Donald Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20500

Lyndon LaRouche has stated that with respect to the ongoing fraudulent Russiagate scandal directed at President Trump, “The American people must demand that the ongoing treasonous British coup against the Presidency, and the nation itself, be stopped and the perpetrators prosecuted and imprisoned.” We, the undersigned, agree with that statement and the following:

1. The Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) has presented evidence to President Trump that Russia never hacked the Democratic National Committee. The emails in question were leaked by an insider, not hacked, and were subsequently altered to attribute responsibility to Russia. A new special prosecutor should be appointed to investigate those responsible for perpetrating the resulting hoax which has so damaged and divided our entire nation.

2. There is abundant evidence in the record showing that British institutions and agencies conducted a concerted attack on candidate and now President Donald Trump in order to influence and then reverse the U.S. election result. The actions of “former” MI6 agent Christopher Steele and his firm Orbis Business Intelligence—involved in creating false and salacious accusations against the president after being paid over $1,000,000 by supporters of Hillary Clinton—are fruitful targets for investigation, as are actions of GCHQ (the British NSA). If British interference is shown by a new special prosecutor’s investigation, the “special relationship” between the United States and Great Britain should be cancelled in all respects.

In the words of LaRouche, “Cancel the British system. Save the people.”

President Trump, Investigate British Subversion of the USA

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