Polls open in Rwanda’s presidential election

‘Rwandans began voting Friday in a presidential election widely expected to return strongman Paul Kagame to office for a third term at the helm of the small East African country.
Some 6.9 million Rwandans have registered to vote in the poll, which pits Kagame, 59, against two little-known candidates seen as unlikely to pose any threat to his Rwandan Patriotic Front’s tight control of the country.
At a school in the capital, Rwandans waited patiently to cast their ballots, many of them praising Kagame for his leadership since he halted the 1994 genocide.
Kagame was just 36 when his rebel army stopped extremist Hutu forces who slaughtered an estimated 800,000 people — mainly minority Tutsis — and seized Kigali.’
Read more: Polls open in Rwanda’s presidential election

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