Prisoners in Britain’s violence-hit jails should wear Guantanamo jumpsuits and shackles and be locked up 23 hours a day, says prison union boss

‘Inmates should wear Guantanamo-style jumpsuits and shackles to help combat prison violence, a union boss has said.
Mark Fairhurst, acting chairman of the Prison Officers Association, also suggested locking them up for 23 hours a day if they misbehave and putting them behind glass during visits.
‘The American experience is the only one left,’ said Mr Fairhurst of HMP Liverpool. ‘Maybe it’s time we tried that.’
Guantanamo Bay, a US military prison located in Cuba, has been widely been accused for detaining prisoners without trial and faced allegations of torture.
Amnesty International has branded the prison, dubbed the most expensive in the world, a ‘major breach of human rights’.
His controversial remarks come less than a week after ‘Tornado’ riot teams had to wrestle back control of HMP The Mount, in Hertfordshire.’
Read more: Prisoners in Britain’s violence-hit jails should wear Guantanamo jumpsuits and shackles and be locked up 23 hours a day, says prison union boss

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