Prosecutors plan to incriminate Brazilian President with plea deal testimony amid corruption scandal

‘It has been revealed by an anonymous source at Brazil’s Prosecutor General’s office that Lucio Funaro, an entrepreneur embroiled in a corruption scandal involving politicians allied to Brazilian President Michel Temer, has signed a plea deal that will help prosecutors level a corruption case against him.
Temer’s legal team did not respond to Funaro’s expected revelations and whose testimony will build part a case of racketeering and obstruction of justice charges against the President in coming days.
While Brazilian prosecutors find themselves amid a plethora of investigations related to the country’s worst corruption scandal, Temer has avoided becoming the second Brazilian president to be removed from office in little more than a year, TeleSUR reported.
Despite fighting against corruption charges, Temer in his short stint in power has imposed crushing austerity measures that has affected worker rights and made pension reform, as well as desires to privatize state-owned infrastructure.’
Read more: Prosecutors plan to incriminate Brazilian President with plea deal testimony amid corruption scandal

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