Researchers Trick Self-Driving Cars into Ignoring Stop Signs

‘The group’s research paper, entitled Robust Physical-World Attacks on Machine Learning Models, outlines how simple alterations to both a “stop sign” and “right turn sign” can fool a vehicle’s onboard computer.
“We physically realized and evaluated two attacks, one that causes a Stop sign to be misclassified as a Speed Limit sign in 100% of the testing conditions, and one that causes a Right Turn sign to be misclassified as either a Stop or Added Lane sign in 100% of the testing conditions,” the paper says.
In the first experiment, a high resolution image was placed over a stop sign in order to carry out a “poster-printing attack.”’
Read more: Researchers have found a simple way to trick self-driving cars into misidentifying street signs, a vulnerability that could put drivers in harms way.

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