Reuters now in bed with Monsanto, committing journalistic fraud to cover up evidence of harm from toxic agricultural poisons

‘House Republicans are going to bat for Monsanto, the world’s most evil corporation, which is having a very difficult time maintaining any semblance of a positive reputation in the public eye after it was revealed that its most famous weed killer causes cancer in humans.
In an effort to steer the narrative back in its favor, Monsanto has seemingly co-opted the services of a journalist at Reuters who recently published an article defending Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide as being safe. And none other than House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy is said to be leading the charge in treating this article as scientific fact, even though it’s quite obviously just Monsanto spin.
According to reports, Gowdy is demanding answers about “possibly withheld information” that he says “could change” the International Agency for Research on Cancer’s (IARC) landmark designation of glyphosate, the primary active ingredient in Roundup, as a probable human carcinogen. In a letter, Gowdy pointed to a June 14 Reuters article by Kate Kelland, the journalist in question, as supposedly showing that glyphosate isn’t all that bad and shouldn’t be treated as such.’
Read more: Reuters now in bed with Monsanto, committing journalistic fraud to cover up evidence of harm from toxic agricultural poisons

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