Sack the four envoys who hate Brexit, IDS tells Theresa: Former Tory leader says it is ‘absurd’ that opponents to leaving the EU are representing Britain in trade negotiations

‘Theresa May was last night urged to sack four British trade envoys who have spoken out against Brexit.
Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith said it was ‘absurd’ for those who were ‘viscerally opposed to Brexit’ to represent the UK during trade negotiations.
David Cameron appointed a cross-party network of 20 ‘trade envoys’ in 2012 to represent the UK in emerging markets around the world.
But four of them are battling to keep Britain in the EU, even though this would make it much harder to strike trade deals around the world.
Labour MP Rushanara Ali, Labour peer Lord Faulkner of Worcester and the Liberal Democrat peers Baroness Northover and Baroness Bonham-Carter all voted this year to frustrate the Article 50 legislation which paved the way for Britain’s exit from the EU in March 2019.’
Read more: Sack the four envoys who hate Brexit, IDS tells Theresa: Former Tory leader says it is ‘absurd’ that opponents to leaving the EU are representing Britain in trade negotiations

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