Science bombshell as new research confirms non-genetic inheritance factors are carried through multiple generations

‘A groundbreaking study has demonstrated that people inherit more than just genes from their parents, shattering long-held beliefs by some that we are simply the sum of our genes.
It was already known that epigenetic mechanisms that are modulated by environmental cues like disease, lifestyle and diet can switch genes on and off, but there has been a great deal of debate about whether these modifications can be passed along to future generations.
Researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics now have the answer to this question. They have shown that it’s not just inherited DNA that regulates gene expression in human offspring; it’s also inherited epigenetic instructions.
In addition, scientists have shed light on the biological consequences of this inherited information, proving that a mother’s epigenetic memory plays a vital role in her offspring’s development and survival.’
Read more: Science bombshell as new research confirms non-genetic inheritance factors are carried through multiple generations

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