Senators call for blocking Chinese trade deals, ‘destroying’ North Korea


”The top US Senate Democrat has called on President Donald Trump to block Chinese business deals until Beijing gets more aggressive toward Pyongyang, while a leading Republican hawk is talking about destroying North Korea itself.
Foreign policy in the US is squarely in the domain of the executive branch. However, the Senate recently sought to limit Trump’s options by passing a bill imposing sanctions on North Korea, Iran, and Russia that the president could not undo without congressional approval.
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-North Carolina) is now saying that Trump told him personally he would be willing to go to war in North Korea.
“There is a military option – to destroy North Korea’s program and North Korea itself,” Graham said on NBC’s Today show on Tuesday morning.
“He’s not going to allow – President Trump – the ability of this madman to have a missile to hit America,” he added, referring to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. “If there is going to be a war to stop him, it will be over there. If thousands die, they are going to die there, they’re not going to die here.”‘
Read more: Senators call for blocking Chinese trade deals, ‘destroying’ North Korea

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