Sorry, Algore

All week some of the very worst people in climate activism have been trying to make political mileage out of Hurricane Harvey.

They range from the inevitable Naomi Klein

NOW IS EXACTLY the time to talk about climate change, and all the other systemic injustices — from racial profiling to economic austerity — that turn disasters like Harvey into human catastrophes.

…and the inevitable Michael “Hide the Decline” Mann

Climate change worsened the impact of Hurricane Harvey.

…to whichever disgruntled, anti-Trump, predictably left-wing NOAA employee runs the @altnoaa Twitter account:

What all these blowhard charlatans have in common is that they are all talking drivel. They are, as the EPA rightly says, attempting “to politicize an ongoing tragedy.”

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As scientists – or, in Klein’s case, people with pretensions to having scientific evidence on their side – they really ought to know better than to pin man-made climate change on a natural meteorological event which has nothing whatsoever to do with man-made climate change.

So why do they do it? Because for climate alarmists every major weather event – especially ones that cause millions of dollars of damage to property and claim human lives – is never really a disaster or even a crisis but a heaven-sent opportunity to promote their alarmist narrative.

This is what Al Gore has just done in his box office flop An Inconvenient Sequel. He has collected lots of dramatic footage of floods, hurricanes, typhoons and so on and tried to conflate all this photogenic weather disaster porn with man-made climate change.

It’s what Klein, Mann, Kerry Emmanuel of MIT, Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute, Eric Holthaus,  have been doing all this week with their “climate change kinda sorta caused Hurricane Harvey” claims. They know that almost no one among the readership of the left-wing publications for which they write is going to question their (fake) science because what they’re saying accords with one of the main tenets of the green religion: everything that goes wrong with the weather must be man’s fault – but most especially it’s the fault of Donald Trump for pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Meanwhile, one last time, here’s a reality check courtesy of actual weather data recorded by proper scientists from the days when scientists did actual science.

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The post Sorry, Algore appeared first on LewRockwell.

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