Supermarkets urgently withdraw salads and sandwiches after 700,000 contaminated eggs enter Britain

‘Around 700,000 eggs implicated in a contamination scare have been distributed to Britain and may have already been eaten by consumers, it has emerged.
The Food Standards Agency previously said a total of 21,000 eggs contaminated with a chemical called fipronil had come from the Netherlands to the UK, but today substantially revised its estimate.
In large quantities, fipronil, is considered to be “moderately hazardous” according to the World Health Organisation, and can have dangerous affects on people’s kidneys, liver and thyroid glands.
Asda, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s and Waitrose are all urgently withdrawing millions of fresh salads, sandwiches and fillers which contain the infected eggs.
Fresh eggs are largely unaffected, with contaminated eggs instead present in processed foods in which they are one ingredient among many others, mostly used in sandwich fillings or other chilled foods.’
Read more: Supermarkets urgently withdraw salads and sandwiches after 700,000 contaminated eggs enter Britain

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