Support The Embattled President To Choose Great Projects And Not War
By far the most important report on “Russiagate,” the attack on President Trump which has thrown U.S. political leaders into McCarthyite warmongering, is the July 24 report of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS). It is still effectively blacked out by the media despite this group of senior intelligence professionals having proven that the Democratic National Committee’s communications were not hacked, but rather leaked by an insider, and that Russiagate is based on frauds.
Today an EIR representative intervening in a panel of experts at a leading Washington think-tank discussing Russia-U.S. relations and “Russian interference in our election,” found that none of them were aware of the VIPS report which showed what they were discussing to be a hoax.
“Russiagate” is a British hoax, initiated out of British intelligence agencies when Donald Trump first emerged as a Presidential candidate in 2015. Its purpose was to continue and intensify Barack Obama’s policy of military confrontation with Russia and China — through a war-President Hillary Clinton and, when that failed, by driving President Trump out of office and whipping up Congress into hysteria against Russia.
Congress last week overwhelmingly voted severe new anti-Russian sanctions, unconstitutionally grabbing at the President’s powers to conduct foreign policy, and the mere five Senators and Representative who voted “no” have been subject to vicious attacks by media and by their colleagues for it.
The threat of a war of nuclear powers is there, and British imperialists are glad of it. Read this week’s Economist, the City of London mouthpiece, which publishes a detailed “hypothetical account” of a thermonuclear war over North Korea in 2019, in which many millions die but Europe is not involved!
President Trump, under constant attack and surrounded with war scenarios, still continues to pursue a policy of cooperation with Russia and China to end terrorism and regime-change wars, and even to cooperate in economic progress.
EIR and LaRouchePAC are backing the President in this by making the VIPS exposure of the “Russiagate” hoax known in every political discussion and Congressional town hall, and by spreading the idea of LaRouche’s “four laws” for a real economic boom, starting with Glass-Steagall reinstatement and creation of a national credit institution for infrastructure and manufacturing.
China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” is becoming such a massive array of great infrastructure projects across Eurasia and Africa — with so much productive credit going into these from China, Russia, competitively from Japan — that there is all the room in the world for the United States to join in and see its own economic infrastructure built anew in the process. President Trump and his core officials clearly don’t see how to do this, especially with the war attack constantly on them.
Americans have to mobilize with us, therefore, to defeat the monstrous hoax of “Russiagate” and give the presidency an economic rebuilding strategy that can succeed.
Sign our Petition: Congress, Suck it up & Move On—It’s time to Rebuild the Country
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