‘Terrorists have won!’ Outrage after Sydney synagogue banned over ‘extremist threat’. See what’s like to be censored now?

‘Australian authorities have banned the construction of a synagogue in the Sydney suburbs, citing a potential terrorist attack threat. The step has been labelled “anti-Semitic” and some said it means terrorists “have already won.”
The appeal against the initial decision to refuse construction of the synagogue was rejected on Wednesday by the New South Wales’ Land and Environment Court.
The Jewish group Friends of Refugees of Eastern Europe asked to build the synagogue in Bondi, an eastern suburb of Sydney. The area is near popular tourist destination Bondi Beach.
The court’s decision said that the construction is “unacceptable” because of the “potential risk to users and other members of the general public.”
“General observations are made on terrorist threats and specific reference is made to the threat to synagogues,” the comments added.’

Read more: ‘Terrorists have won!’ Outrage after Sydney synagogue banned over ‘extremist threat’. See what’s like to be censored now?

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