The Diana tapes prove we have to abolish the monarchy – not for our sakes, but for theirs

‘Anyone who supports the idea of the continuance of the royal family in Britain should read those final two excerpts particularly carefully. Because the truth about royalty isn’t just that it perpetuates gross inequality, and encourages outdated customs, and hands political leverage to people who haven’t earned it, and leads to a bizarre cultural phenomenon wherein people on miniscule amounts of benefits are called “scroungers” while royals in receipt of millions are praised as “hardworking representatives”. The truth is that, above all of those macro effects, on an individual level it is downright cruel.
If you think that the royal family’s existence is unthreatening, and you derive a bit of nostalgic, patriotic pleasure out of its existence, and you really buy into the myth that they bring in more money than they take out, then you should at least take the time to consider what the people inside it actually say about it.’
Read more: The Diana tapes prove we have to abolish the monarchy – not for our sakes, but for theirs

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