The Madness Is Back: Homeowners Take Out Mortgages To Buy Bitcoin, Cars And Wine
‘It’s been about a decade since the term “mortgage arbitrage” made headlines. It’s back.
In the clearest sign yet of just how late far the investing cycle the developed world finds itself, the FT writes that wealthy British homeowners are again borrowing against their property to invest in bonds, equities, alternative investments or commercial property as the low cost of debt creates opportunities for “mortgage arbitrage”. And while taking out a mortgage to invest in “safer” arbs like corporate bonds, commercial real estate or private equity would be at least understandable, if not excusable, in the current low-yield regime, some more extreme “investment” decisions suggest that the madness and euphoria that marked the peak of the last asset bubble is back: because while growing numbers are prepared to risk using their primary residence as collateral, some are ready to gamble on extremely volatile assets like bitcoin, wine and cars.’
Read more: The Madness Is Back: Homeowners Take Out Mortgages To Buy Bitcoin, Cars And Wine
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