The U.S. FCC Is Asleep At The Switch Regarding RF Safety Standards And Protecting The Public

‘The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has dropped the ball regarding safety standards for radiofrequency (RF) limits in the United States.  Furthermore, no risk assessment studies have been performed to my knowledge regarding how consumers use RF-emitting devises, e.g., hours on cell phones; working or being exposed to Wi-Fi at work or in school for a good part of their days; all the electronic games and other devices consumers use with no regard as to what harm they are encountering from non-thermal radiation waves.
Radiofrequency (RF) standards set by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission are old, outdated by some thirty or more years, and in serious need of revisiting and revising immediately, if not sooner, in view of all the RFs citizens are exposed to in the USA.   The above chart verifies what other countries’ exposure limits are.  Lichtenstein has .1 microwatt versus the USA with 580 microwatts.  Whoa!  What’s going on and is ICNIRP involved setting those standards?’
Read More: The U.S. FCC Is Asleep At The Switch Regarding RF Safety Standards And Protecting The Public

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