Tories attempt to hijack powerful decision-making committee to ram through new post-Brexit laws

‘Theresa May is accused of trying to break parliamentary rules in order to ram through controversial law changes after Brexit.
The Conservatives are demanding to pack a crucial decision-making committee with their own MPs, despite losing their Commons majority at the election, The Independent can reveal.
Now Opposition parties plan to join forces to derail the attempted fix, in what threatens to be the first autumn Parliamentary clash over leaving the EU.
At stake is the extent of the Prime Minister’s power, through the Repeal Bill, to force through up to 1,000 “corrections” to EU law without MPs necessarily voting on them.
The vast number of statutory instruments (SIs) to be passed – some under “Henry VIII” powers – has already provoked accusations of a Government power grab.’
Read more: Tories attempt to hijack powerful decision-making committee to ram through new post-Brexit laws

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