Tory MP Zac Goldsmith links Barcelona terror attack to Labour’s Momentum group

‘Conservative MP Zac Goldsmith has been accused of using terrorism for scoring “political points” by sharing a post attempting to link a Barcelona attacker with the left-wing campaign group Momentum.
Less than 24 hours after 14 people were killed in the popular Spanish city by terrorists, Mr Goldsmith’s brother, Ben, commented on a post which suggested one of the men involved in the attack had shared an anti-Semitic video, alleging “a global Jewish conspiracy to take over the world”.
Responding to the post on Twitter, Ben Goldsmith asked: “Maybe he got it from Labour’s Momentum movement? They make for weird bedfellows, Islamism and hard-leftism, but they’re joined at the hip.”
The Richmond MP, Mr Goldsmith, then shared his brother’s provocative remarks.’
Read more: Tory MP Zac Goldsmith links Barcelona terror attack to Labour’s Momentum group

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