Trump Ends Regime Change; Brits Cry ‘Havoc’

Last week, the United States Congress passed sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea, either as witting British agents, or just plain stupid ones, severely limiting President Trump from fulfilling his campaign promise to repair relations with Russia and China. Were President Trump allowed to move forward in repairing relations with Russia and China, the world can change rapidly, as demonstrated last month when Trump fulfilled one of his most important campaign promises to end regime change warfare.
“Donald Trump just kept his most important promise on the Mideast” by Paul Mulshine

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Trump Ends Regime Change; Brits Cry ‘Havoc’

Last week, the United States Congress passed sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea, either as witting British agents, or just plain stupid ones, severely limiting President Trump from fulfilling his campaign promise to repair relations with Russia and China. Were President Trump allowed to move forward in repairing relations with Russia and China, the world can change rapidly, as demonstrated last month when Trump fulfilled one of his most important campaign promises to end regime change warfare.
“Donald Trump just kept his most important promise on the Mideast” by Paul Mulshine

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