UK counter-terrorism effort ‘actively undermined’ by Prevent critics, says home secretary

‘Prevent, the British government’s counter-radicalization strategy, should not be viewed negatively, Home Secretary Amber Rudd insists, despite accusations it is highly intrusive and disproportionately targets Muslims.
In an interview with the Rupert Murdoch-owned Sun tabloid, Rudd said the government’s counter-terrorism efforts are being “actively undermined” by the critics of the Prevent program, who accuse the government of unnecessarily invasive surveillance methods.
“Stopping people committing appalling acts of terror is something we should all want. It should go without saying,” said the Tory Home Secretary.
“Yet there are some who actively seek to undermine the Prevent program without offering any meaningful alternatives. They say it is about spying.
“Prevent has made a significant impact in preventing people being drawn into terrorism and it is here to stay,” she added.’
Read more: UK counter-terrorism effort ‘actively undermined’ by Prevent critics, says home secretary

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