UK Police Investigate ‘Name Calling Between Children’ as Violent Crime Surges

‘UK police are investigating incidents of “name calling between children” even as the country’s actual violent crime rate continues to surge.
According to Sgt. Peter Allan, whose Twitter bio describes him as a, “Sussex Hate Crime Sgt & Trans Equality Advocate,” police were recently called out to Burgess Hill, Sussex, to deal with a “transphobic” incident involving “Name calling between children.”
Asked, “Are you on the wind up? Name calling between children? I think you’re going a bit far with this now,” Allan responded, “Investigations don’t always lead to prosecutions. Education is really important, especially for young people. This was a non-crime.”
Investigations don’t always lead to prosecutions. Education is really important, especially for young people. This was a non-crime.
— Peter Allan (@SgtPeterAllan) August 10, 2017
“Then get to work & tackle some real crime you clown instead of getting involved in children’s name calling,” responded Tommy Robinson.’
Read more: UK Police Investigate ‘Name Calling Between Children’ as Violent Crime Surges

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